Holistic Empowerment

Food & Medical Aid
Reaching out to the most disenfranchised sections with food aid, nutrition and medical support

Sashakt Beti
Providing Education, Nutrition, Security & Support to the Girl Child

Entrepreneurship & Incubation
Kindling the Spirit of Entrepreneurship & providing Incubation Support for budding Entrepreneurs

Internships & Jobs
Enabling young minds to become Job Creators, Wealth Creators through our niche CEI Internship Programme

Empowered Village. Empowered Society.
Contribute NOW to Selflessly Empower the most marginalised sections of rural and tribal society.
Be a part of building a Holistic Ecology that fosters Security, Development, Sustainability and Growth.

We Help around the world
Our Campaigns
- Empower
- Transform
- Innovate
Our Guiding Philosophy
Share your Empowerment to Empower Others, especially the Backward and Disenfranchised sections of Indian Society.
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“CEI की तरफ से आवश्यक कपड़े एवं भोजन प्राप्त हुआ। CEI के नियमित मदद से मेरे जीवन की सुरक्षा संभव हुई है।”
(PVTG destitute tribal girl)“The uniqueness of CEI we get to learn new things through each and every Masterclass and by holding the hands of our CEI leaders. The best part is that it's not just one time but a lifetime support provided by the family at times of hardship, be it personal or professional.”
Dr. Shubhra Chakraborty
CEI Leader“हम एक गरीब परिवार से हैं। मेरी बहन को किड्नी की प्रॉब्लेम थी और उसके ससुराल वालों ने उसे छोड़ दिया। CEI के माध्यम से हमारा आयुष्मान कार्ड बना है जिसके द्वारा मेरी बहन का मुफ़्त इलाज हो पाया।”
विनोद नाथ
झालारा (मध्य प्रदेश)“CEI Internship is the best platform to mould yourself into your best form. In fact, you get to know yourself more, like you will indeed discover about some of your hidden talents as well.”
Ipsheetha Nath
CEI Leader“गेल्या पावसाळ्यात आमचे घर वाहून गेले, त्याबरोबर घरातले सगळे सामान, धान्य वाहून गेले. CEI ने आम्हाला घर बांधायला मदत केली आणि धान्य ही दिले. याकरिता आम्ही CEI चे आभारी आहोत.”
राम मोरे
नांदगाव (महाराष्ट्र)“Interning at CEI was a life transforming experience for me. I can see the change in my overall personality and my communication skills. Working as a Team Leader helped me in my academics and co-curriculars to initiate, participate and to conduct activities by taking the lead.”
Palash Saroware
CEI Team Leader“My experience with CEI has taught me about the reality of Poverty and Non-Recognition! It is our responsibility to help the vulnerable, disenfranchised tribal, rural families and help sustainably empower them like CEI is doing.”